Essential Therapeutic Massage in Newport News is conveniently located on Thimble Shoals Blvd at the intersection of Canon Blvd.

Book your next therapeutic massage in Newport News with us!

Essential Therapeutic Massage in Newport News is conveniently located on Thimble Shoals Blvd at the intersection of Canon Blvd.

Because massage
isn't a luxury,
While we are in a small and confined space, we have both clients and therapists with allergies and/or sensitivities to many common fragrances, such as perfumes, colognes, body lotions, body sprays, smoke, etc. Please be mindful of others and refrain from wearing these, as they tend to linger in the common areas. We thank you in advance! Also, during sessions, cell phones are off. We thank you in advance and look forward to working with you!
Currently accepting new clients from Plastic Surgery Center of Hampton Roads and all surrounding areas.
Please take a few moments to review these FAQ about MLD sessions at Essential Therapeutic Massage. Pre-op sessions benefit post-op session results!
Question: What is MLD?
Answer: The lymphatic system is a part of the body’s immune system made up of a network of vessels
and nodes through which lymphatic fluid (lymph) flows. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) or a Lymphatic Treatment is a very light touch protocol that utilizes a series of hand placements to act as a mechanical
pump to encourage the flow of congested lymphatic fluid. This technique aids in lymph flow to rid the
body of excess water, cellular debris and cellular proteins to encourage healing and is removed naturally through bladder and bowel.
Question: Following my BBL/liposuction procedure, how many lymphatic drainage treatments should I
plan to receive?
Answer: In our experience we find that surgeons will typically suggest their post-operative patients receive 8-10 manual lymphatic drainage sessions. Booking your MLD sessions as soon as you have arranged your surgery/return travel date encourages a quicker and safer recovery while receiving post-operative care. Please keep in mind that most clients are unable to drive to their first session(s) so please plan to have your transportation to and from the office arranged ahead
of time. Please plan on committing to all of your purchased and booked lymphatic sessions.
As soon as you have your surgery date, please contact Patricia, provide her with both your surgery
and return dates to obtain the best booking for optimal pre-op and post-op lymphatic drainage efficacy. If you have already had your surgery, please contact Patricia to check for availability. As it is preferred to work with clients within 1-3 weeks post-operatively, and to provide monthly maintenance up to 6 months thereafter for healing and recovery (as necessary) we are happy to help those clients who are 4+ weeks post-operative. Patricia will offer the next available sessions and payment in full is
due to reserve your booking(s). Same day sessions are not available.
Due to the volume of clients that we see regularly and in addition to the influx of Liposuction and
BBL clients needing multiple sessions, all sessions must be prepaid online before they will be considered for booking. These sessions fill quickly and cannot be held without payment.
Prepaid sessions must be redeemed within 6 months of purchase.
​Your appointment time is reserved especially for you and your needs. If you need to cancel, 48 hour notification is required so that we may accommodate others who are awaiting an appointment. The client is responsible for payment for late cancellations or missed appointments. Prepaid sessions are non-refundable and non-transferrable for any no-shows or cancellations within 48 hours of your scheduled session. Failure to provide 48 hours’ notice forfeits your payment for any missed sessions. Missing two sessions will result in the cancelation of all future bookings which may be rescheduled with the discretion and allowance of your lymphatic therapist’s schedule.
These pre-operative and post-operative care sessions are most important in helping you to meet your lymphatic and recovery treatment plan as ordered by your surgeon and should become your main priority, as it is ours.
Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early for your first session and be ready 5-10 minutes early for all other sessions. Late arrivals will result in a shortened session. By purchasing post-operative lymphatic drainage
prepaid sessions, you are committing to being at all sessions as they are booked and customized for your
healing plan, are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Booking your post-operative treatment sessions as
soon as you have scheduled your surgery ensures your best path to a quicker and safer recovery.
Please choose a quantity of sessions that will help you to meet the post-operative care plan ordered by your surgeon. We have been helping clients with their recovery for many years and are well-versed and have specialized training with the needs of clients coming to the office for this customized type of treatment.
We commit to your health and healing by offering clients multiple lymphatic treatments for your recovery
and we expect our clients to do the same by attending all booked for the best and effective recovery.
Clients who fail to show or fail to provide at least 48 hours notice will not be booked for future sessions.
Please watch this brief video (to better understand our process). Then print, complete and bring this Liposuction & BBL Contract Agreement form with you to your initial session:
(Please inform your therapist if you are unable to print this form)
It is a requirement for these forms to be completed by all clients coming into the office. Please print and complete the Liposuction & BBL Contract form after your surgery and bring it with you to your first session.
As we are working in a small and confined space, we have clients and therapists who have allergies and/or sensitivities
to many common fragrances such as perfumes, colognes, body lotions, body sprays, smoke, etc.
Please be mindful of others and refrain from wearing or try to limit your exposure to these
the day of your session as these tend to linger in the common areas of the office
affecting others even hours after sessions have ended.
Also, during sessions, cell phones are off.
We thank you in advance and look forward to working with you!
Once you have been in contact with Patricia,
please use the following link to pay for your sessions:
Post-Operative MLD Session(s) for BBL/Liposuction
If you choose to purchase more sessions, this can be done anytime online or following your in-office session.
Question: I had a BBL with liposuction and fat injections. I may be too sore to come in for a session. Will this be as painful as it was at the recovery house?
Answer: No. Our lymphatic treatments are very effective and gentle, using a light touch technique called a skin stretch. Even if you are still sore or tender to the touch, our therapists are professionals and are certified in this technique to work with any client at any post-operative stage in recovery.
Question: After my BBL, I stayed in the recovery house and had a nurse force the fluid out of my incisions. Will you be doing this too?
Answer: No. At this point, it is better to assist the body’s ability to heal and naturally flush out the lymphatic fluid through excretion (bladder and bowel).
Question: Is a manual lymphatic drainage treatment a massage?
Answer: No. A regular massage targets the musculoskeletal system using techniques to help relieve muscle tension and promote relaxation. Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) or a Lymphatic Treatment is a very light touch protocol that utilizes a series of hand placements to act as a mechanical pump to encourage the flow of congested lymphatic fluid. This technique aids in lymph flow to rid the body of excess water, cellular debris and cellular proteins to encourage healing and is removed naturally through bowel and urine. While a manual lymphatic drainage treatment does promote relaxation, specifically for post-operative care, it encourages an increase excretion of the temporary increase in lymph volume.
Question: I bought a special pillow (thigh block or Boppy) and faja/compression garments after my BBL/liposuction. Should I bring these in for my treatments?
Answer: Yes. Please bring in your special pillow and make sure to always wear your compression garments as directed by your surgeon.
Question: Does my compression garment get rid of the swelling like the lymphatic treatment?
Answer: No. The garment helps to maintain the reduction of fluid achieved after the lymphatic treatment. Not wearing the garment may inhibit long-lasting results of the lymphatic fluid reduction.
Question: How long will the swelling last after my liposuction/plastic surgery?
Answer: As with any surgery, surgeons typically prescribe rest to promote healing for 6 weeks following a procedure. It has been our experience that recovery time and success tends to vary per client. We find that
the clients who make healthier choices pre- and post-operatively: smart nutrition choices, staying well-hydrated and having or adding an active lifestyle tend to benefit from a speedier lymphatic recovery. And of course healing time also can depend on the typical healing time that varies client to client.
Question: I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder and have occasional swelling, can you help with this?
Answer: Yes. The lymphatic system can be taxed by an auto-immune disorder causing an increase in
lymphatic volume in which the lymph vessels are unable to adequately drain lymph fluid, usually from an
extremity such as an arm or leg.
Question: I had one/multiple lymph node(s) dissected, radiated, biopsied and/or removed and now have lymphedema in my arm/leg. Can you help with this feeling of a heavy limb, tight skin and full feeling?
Answer: Yes. Lymphedema occurs when the lymph vessels are unable to adequately drain lymph fluid, usually from an arm or leg. Lymphedema is a congestion or a build-up of fluid presenting after surgery, radiotherapy to the lymph nodes or the removal of one or more lymph nodes. Anyone with blocked, impaired or compromised lymph nodes in both axillae (armpits) and both inguinals (groin/inner thigh)
should seek advanced care from their physician, surgical team or physical therapist as this is out of the
scope of our Lymphatic Care Specialist.
Question: My Oncologist suggested I find a Lymphedema Specialist to help manage my Lymphedema, can you help?
Answer: Yes. Our Oncology Massage Therapist is also a Lymphedema Specialist and can safely assist your body's lymphatic system to reroute and flush out the congestion created by the compromise/removal of lymph nodes and the increased lymph volume through the healthy lymph nodes. Anyone with blocked, impaired or compromised lymph nodes in both axillae (armpits) and both inguinals (groin/inner thigh) should seek advanced care from their physician, surgical team or physical therapist as this is out of the ​scope of our Lymphatic Care Specialist.